All information provided will be kept confidential. Contact Info... Name * First Name Last Name Email * Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Instagram Profile * Are you a Thrivers Society member? * Yes No I've always wanted to join! Availability, education & work history... Are you interested in hourly pay or commission? * Hourly Pay Commission Do you currently have a VA cosmetology license? * Yes No Where & when did you attend Cosmetology school? * Do you currently specialize in any of the following? * Check all that apply. Balayage Lived in Color Extensions Blonding Brondes Brunettes Bridal/Styling Cutting Texture Tell us about the advance education classes you've taken in the last year. * Tell us about your certifications. * What's your dream work schedule? * Tell us about your rental and or work history, in the last five years. * Tell us more about you... How many years of experience do you have btc? * Just graduated Less than 1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years 5+years What hair related accomplishment are you most proud & why? * If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why? * What characteristics do you have that make you a successful stylist? * In your dream stylist position, what services would you do? * Salon Culture... What are you looking for in a salon culture? * What qualities in your co-workers do you appreciate most? What about them bothers you most? * What will make you love coming here to work? * Give us the dets... What're your average weekly service totals? * What're your average weekly retail sales? * What percentage are you currently booked out & for how many weeks? * Will you be bringing a clientele with you to Kindred Color Studio? * Yes No Tell us about your current clientele & what you love about them. * Do you double-book or work with an assistant? Tell us more about that. * Hey!Thanks for thinking about joining our team! We can’t wait to look over your application and will be in touch soon. xoxo,Kindred Color Studio